For the third year in a row, Alvantia has sponsored the Receivables Finance International Convention (RFIx), which took place this year on 14 and 15 March at the Royal Horseguards Hotel in London.
For the third year in a row, Alvantia has sponsored the Receivables Finance International Convention (RFIx), which took place this year on 14 and 15 March at the Royal Horseguards Hotel in London.
For the third consecutive year, Alvantia has participated in the Supply Chain Finance Summit, which was held this year in Frankfurt on 31 January and 1 February. The event, organized by BCR, aims to share the latest trends in the SCF industry both nationally and internationally.
On 22 November 2017, the Génova Financial Club hosted a working breakfast organised by Alvantia, in collaboration with the Spanish Factoring Association, on new management tools, electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) and the Immediate Supply of Information (ISI).
In early may the 23th General Meeting of the Asociación Española de Factoring took place, sponsored by Alvantia as a IT supplier expert in commercial finance solutions.
On 15 November, at the incomparable venue of the Genova Financial Club in the Columbus Towers in Madrid, we celebrated the breakfast meeting “Factoring public debtors within the framework of electronic invoicing in Spain: challenges and opportunities”.
In these early months of 2016, Alvantia has participated in several international events related to Asset-based Lending, or ABL, the generic name to given to group Factoring and Confirming ® financial products. (more…)
One of the main reasons for a company to enter the world of factoring is the chance to cover the risk of insolvency of their debtors with the backing of a third party: the factor. And the question is: what does a factor do to cover a risk which its clients are, in a way, already warning it about?
En tiempos de crisis aumenta la necesidad de financiación en las empresas. Y no sólo entre las pymes, sino también entre las grandes empresas, e incluso, en las multinacionales. Una buena forma de financiarse es a través del Factoring. Con este producto el cliente, además de conseguir financiación sobre sus facturas emitidas, puede conseguir cobertura de insolvencia ante el impago de las mismas.
Desde el inicio de la crisis económica allá por 2007 y, especialmente, a partir de 2009, el Sistema Financiero Español ha experimentado un histórico proceso de concentración de entidades. Esto ha supuesto una drástica reducción del número de operadores en el sector, habiendo pasado de unos cincuenta a poco más de una docena, sin contar a las cajas rurales que, dentro del mundo de las cooperativas de crédito, tienen sus propios casos de fusiones y/o absorciones de mayor o menor tamaño. (more…)