PSD2?: still unknown to most consumers and businesses, is generating expectation among the new players in payment services, and distrust among established entities.
PSD2?: still unknown to most consumers and businesses, is generating expectation among the new players in payment services, and distrust among established entities.
On 22 November 2017, the Génova Financial Club hosted a working breakfast organised by Alvantia, in collaboration with the Spanish Factoring Association, on new management tools, electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) and the Immediate Supply of Information (ISI).
Weak economic growth has become an age-old debate in Mexican society. Our modest contribution will consist in attempting to answer 3 questions:
On Thursday, 28 September the Annual AMEFAC Assembly was held, one of the most important financial events held in Mexico City in 2017, and sponsored by Alvantia.
On Wednesday, 26 July, a working breakfast was held between Alvantia and AMEFAC members at La Mansión restaurant in Mexico City.
In these early months of 2016, Alvantia has participated in several international events related to Asset-based Lending, or ABL, the generic name to given to group Factoring and Confirming ® financial products. (more…)
En tiempos de crisis aumenta la necesidad de financiación en las empresas. Y no sólo entre las pymes, sino también entre las grandes empresas, e incluso, en las multinacionales. Una buena forma de financiarse es a través del Factoring. Con este producto el cliente, además de conseguir financiación sobre sus facturas emitidas, puede conseguir cobertura de insolvencia ante el impago de las mismas.
La aprobación de la ley 25/2013 de impulso a la factura electrónica supondrá el espaldarazo definitivo para el uso de la factura electrónica por el sector publico en España.
La Banca Electrónica debe proporcionar al Cliente una variedad de servicios de valor añadido que no se pueden ofrecer a través de de la red de oficinas. No se trata, por tanto, únicamente de ofrecer al Cliente toda la funcionalidad que se presta desde la red de oficinas, se trata, de llegar mucho más allá.